In this article my focus is not on religious freedom or the lack of it in different parts of the world. While it is important to consider the lack of freedom in all religions that, without any exception, require radical reformation and transformation, my specific focus is going to be on the lack of freedom in Catholicism, the biggest (about 1.25 billion followers), the best organized, and the most powerful denomination in the biggest religion that is Christianity. The influence of the Catholic Church is widespread in every part of the world through its tightly-knit parishes and institutions closely controlled by the hierarchy of priests and bishops. Christ came to preach the Kingdom of God, to free the down-trodden, and model especially truth and freedom, love and compassion among many divine values. And my question in deep anguish is: If Christ were to come to the world today, wouldhe recognize the Catholic Church that represents him? What would he think of the arrogance of primacy and infallibility of its head, the unnecessary doctrines and dogmas, the pompous rites and meaningless rituals, the burdensome disciplines and censures, the almost deification of his earthly mother, Mary, the numerous and often empty devotional practices, and mechanical recital of prayers, the extraordinary powers granted to its “official” saints, the feverish activity of beatifying and canonizing saints, the unwarranted consideration of all its members primarily as unworthy sinners, the enormous accretion of encumbering and crippling baggage over centuries?
Certainly all Christians like all other human beings, depending on their degree of awareness and surrendering to God’s will and grace, fall down and get up, make mistakes, repent, and learn from them, and relentlessly strive toward perfection. Religions, far removed from their original inspiration and charism, shackle their members to blind loyalty, unexamined beliefs, and practices, robbing them of their God-given freedom. It is an insult to the one God of all that religions self-righteously fight among themselves and glorify themselves for some earthly advantage and posturing. In the final analysis all that matters is that we have been honest and sincere, compassionate and loving, and that we worked for the Kingdom of God to the best of our ability, and that we truly and really took care of all our brothers and sisters in the world.
Swami (Dr) Snehanand Jyoti
Silence is always good provided it contains both internal and external orders. Catholic Church is not a person; practically the administration is the summary a big crowd which is not supposed to be mouth-shut. We have a hierarchy of programmed experts but it is shameful that they don't care the lay public. No questions are answered. Some pastoral releases with some strange findings and observations appear occasionally for exception.
ReplyDeleteWhat I understands is that they don't have a pleasing or reasonable answer to most of the questions raised. It is natural that the Social Medias go on questioning and answering. It won't take too long before they take the Church to the ICU.
To me any form of religion that encroaches on the freedom of the individual that seeks God sincerely has lost its value. For an individual who seeks God can not go against humanity, the God-given concern for the good of all. Such a person can never do any harm to anyone, nomatter what his thinks or does. When a religion begins to dictate that God should be conceived in a particular way, that he should be adored in a particular way or that one should pray in a particular way, it is restricting the freedom of an individual which alone can bring him close to God. Taken in this sense, every existing religion is a pseudo religion. No catholic, I'm sure, who is used to some independent thinking, would say that the present church would be approved by Jesus, were he to find himself on earth now. But unfortunately few have the guts to say it loud nor to act according to this conviction. If we admit so much, most of the members of the church today are either ignorant as to the essentials of a religion or they are all hypocrites. The fact is that most people prefer to be ignorant and hypocrites rather than be courageous enough to use their freedom.